3 7 4 11 2 5

An exercise in self-restraint

An album by Fernie Canto

320kbps MP3:
24bit/48000Hz FLAC:

Every artist works under restraints — whether willingly or not. A musician may choose to work under certain restraints (tonality, for example), but he will be invariably restrained by the resources he has available, such as instruments, equipment, musicians and so on. A sculptor is also restrained by the materials and the tools he is working with, an actor is restrained by his own body, and so on and on. You can't escape that.

The beauty in being restrained, though, is that you can search for freedom in the areas where there are no restraints at all; when you pour liquid into a bag with holes, it will leak and spread in unimaginable ways. The artist can — and should — be like that, recognising the restraints and working with them, spreading out in ways he hadn't even imagined possible.

In this album, I have set myself restraints that I had never thought of. The numbers that form the titles are a series of proportions used in three distinct ways to define the rhythmic patterns of the tracks, as well as the album as a whole. The numbers determine: the number of half-beats in each measure of a musical phrase, the number of times a phrase is repeated, and the length in minutes of each track — notice that, since the number of beats and phrases in every track is constant, the tempo is directly affected by the numbers as well. Even though the numbers seem unfriendly, so many of them being odd, they sum up to 32, which allows interesting combinations.

With those constants settled, I was free to search for the right sound, the right instruments, the right chords, the groove, the mood of each track, and explore each section of the music as freely as I could. Thus, some of these combinations possibly would never happen if I hadn't put myself in this situation — would I, for example, would have crafted a "dubstep" pastiche with a Mellotron and latin percussion outbursts? or, perhaps, a pseudo-rainy-day-blues which slowly morphs into a contemplative soundscape of synthesizers?

Thus, I hope that this album is as interesting for you to listen to as it was interesting for me to write. Do not feel pressured into finding the patterns and following them closely: this is not supposed to be a "challenging" album, but an entertaining one. My goal has always been to entertain, and this is no exception. So, enjoy!

Contact: cfern[dot]canto[at]gmail[dot]com
WARNING: Pronounce and spell the titles in your native tongue.
Licença Creative Commons
3 7 4 11 2 5 de Fernie Canto é licenciado sob uma Licença Creative Commons Atribuição 3.0 Brasil.